
Listed and linked below are a variety of musical endeavors I've taken part in that I care to remember. The majority of these are available on Soulseek, just add Joshdahass and check my music folder. A lot of this stuff is older, but rest assured I'm always slowly working on more material. Lately I have a bad habit with writing an entire album and then scrapping it: there's already been another full Skull album I've shrugged off and a black metal album I gave up on recently. Currently I'm recording the second Masturbating Semen album, which I'm hoping to buckle down and finish soon.
Hellfuck - Ripper Fucking Christ (2019)
Maturbating Semen - All Venus No Penis (2018)
Playing with Canadian Metal God Thor at Found Sound! I learned drums for this. (2017)
Skull - The Change (2016, "On the Water")
Corpse Killers - The Cyperpunk EP (2013)
Corpse Killers - PC2 (unreleased, "PC2")
Corpse Killers - Jack Frost EP (2010, "Jack Frost")
Corpse Killers - Live at Eerie Lake (2009)
Corpse Killers - Peculiar Tales (2009, "Base Wars")
Zombies Eat Brains - Zombies Eat Brains 4 (2008)
Zombies Eat Brains - Zombies Eat Brains vs HitlerButtSecks (2008)
Zombies Eat Brains - Triforce Gatherers vs. Zombies Eat Brains (2008)
Tard Twins - Tard Twins (2008)
Maturbating Semen - Unnamed Album (2007)
Zombies Eat Brains - Zombies Eat Brains 2 (2007)
Zombies Eat Brains - Zombies Eat Brains vs Nintendo Sexual Torture (2007)
Zombies Eat Brains - Zombies Eat Brains vs Giraffe Fight (2007)
Zombies Eat Brains - 50 Ways To Kill Me x Dirty Sanchez x Zombies Eat Brains Split (2007)
Zombies Eat Brains - Buttsex Christmas split with TYSTCOABTH (2007)
Kannibal Kombover - Demos 1-3 (2007)
PP Alvin and the Shitmunks - PP Alvin demo (2006)
Zombies Eat Brains - Return of the Zombies Eat Brains (2006)
Zombies Eat Brains - Zombies Eat Nintendo! (2006)
Zombies Eat Brains - A Very Zombies Eat Brains Christmas (2006)
Zombies Eat Brains - Zombies Eat Brains (2005)

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