
I used to adore this site and it's still pretty great. Taking a more academic approach to video game history, it championed the obscure and strove to go deeply into little details. Since then, there's been a huge shift towards covering more current independent games and a drastic site overhaul that's rendered it closer to a blog. I actually made a blog and wrote on it for months just to create a body of work large enough to get accepted as a writer for the site, which I eventually was!
My friend Andy and I were pretty active with this site for a while, although our current work situations make it difficult to collaborate heavily. Hopefully someday we can get back into the groove and get this baby more active again, although the only people who bothered to read it were the ultra unknown bands we were constantly covering. One guy bothered us for like six months to review something and got pissed that we said his album sucked and barely reviewed it.
This is my wife's art site! She's very good. I like her art more than anyone else's I've ever met, and I've met a lot of artists. People who can create fun and wild things are the best for sure.

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